Orientation to Online Teaching & Learning

In this chapter we look at some of the key characteristics of teaching online. Some, such as format and delivery, are unique to teaching online. Others, such as how time is used, the structure of an online class, and communicating without face-to-face contact require understanding and some adaptation.


Online Learning in the Twenty-First Century

“Fifty years hence we may well conclude that there was no ‘crisis of American education’ in the closing years of the twentieth century — there was only a growing incongruence between the way the twentieth century schools taught and the way late-twentieth-century children learned. Something similar happened in the sixteenth-century university, a hundred years after the invention of the printing press and movable type.” — Peter Drucker, Managing in the Next Society.

The Fourth Screen


Asynchronous Learning


Online Course Delivery


Features of a Learning Management System


Time – Onsite vs. Online